Busy day at the French film festival, which this Thursday focused all its attention on two of the most popular and admired stars in Hollywood: Chris Hemsworth y Anya Taylor-Joy. After parading down the red carpet decked out in haute couture suits (he from Tom Ford and she from Dior) and with their respective partners, Elsa Pataky and Malcolm McRae, the actors have reappeared on the shores of the Mediterranean to present Angry. The film, directed by George Millerfrom the saga Mad Max: “It has taken me 45 years to Mad Max be completely Australian,” he said with a laugh.
The team showed off their best smiles during the press conference and also their best looks in the previous photo session. The protagonist of Queen’s Gambit, who aims to become the best dressed of this new edition (the 77th) of the festival, has made an impact with an off-white tweed two-piece with a ‘crop’ type jacket and frayed trims combined with strappy ankle sandals. The star of the outfit, however, was a 1920s-style jewel headdress. The actress was excited after attending the premiere and seeing the film on the big screen: “Experiencing something like that through the eyes of the audience is incredible. Last night “I saw it for the first time as a viewer and was amazed. The film is proof of George’s talent and you understand why many of his original team came out of retirement to make it.” “Myself I came out of retirement to do it,” Miller laughed at his side.
The burly ‘Thor’ of the Marvel world has opted for a very flattering baby pink three-piece suit and a simple white shirt that highlighted his tan. The Australian takes almost the entire lead role in the film, of which he feels especially proud: “The Americans have Batman and Superman, the English have Harry Potter and the Australians have Mad Max.”
The film, which will hit theaters in the coming weeks, has ‘snuck in’ at Cannes by the skin of its teeth, as filming ended just two weeks ago. A spectacular shoot that lasted eight months and included a crew of 1,300 people and two units separated by more than 1,000 kilometers: “I never thought I would make two Mad Maxs and now I’m on the fifth. Sometimes I think I’m crazy,” said Miller .