Chilavert's encounter with Bielsa: “I told him everything in the face”

Two temperamental characters, like two different thoughts on how to understand football, José
Chilavert and Marcelo

The exguardameta
Paraguayan participated in the program “We are all technicians” of the Chilean channel CDF, in a talk about the work of the goalkeepers in football and the changes they have had to face in handling the ball with their feet and how coaches are the first to demand that they adapt to this greater participation in the collective game.

It was at that time that Chilavert took the opportunity to refer to the eccentric of the Athletic, very dear to Chile after his passage to the front of the national team, and spoke about a disagreement they had when they coincided in Velez
Sarsfield, in 1998, a year in which they achieved the closing tournament.

“I came out in defense of my partner”

I had an argument with him. One day he mistreated a colleague of mine within the entire group. I came out in defense of my partner and told Bielsa in the face everything, what I thought about himHe admitted, responding to what he considered an injustice.

He separated me from the group and told me that I would regret it when I returned to the locker room. I came back and came face to face with him where I told him everything I think. The press never found out”, Related the exmeta of the Saragossa, one of the teams in which he played throughout his career, about the internal confrontation with his coach at that time that had never come to light.

It was from here when Chilavert went into explaining the reason for the disagreement and how the discussion was influenced by, for him, the inadequate way in which the current team sometimes tries to manage their teams Leeds coach.

The system about the player?

Why? Because Bielsa says that the system is above the player and it is not. I always say that the characteristic of the player is what will serve the coach to optimize the system. So, with three slow players and if your goalkeeper doesn't know how to play with your feet, it's impossible to play with that system, as he wants”, Concluded his presentation, criticizing what he considers an error, to devalue the improvisation of the footballer to give it to the mechanization of collective movements. Virtue or defect ?.

Chilavert He also recognized his “ease“To play with his feet during his career, because he got to play”of nine”Before being an archer. A put an outlier, since he was a specialist in shooting penalties and fouls and managed to score a total of 102 goals.

Meanwhile, the Athletic exécnico continue with your preparation in Leeds for him start of the Championship the Sunday and yesterday at a press conference he admitted that “I prefer to gain promotion on the court. Anything else would have been disappointing“He remarked, happy and wanting to compete and achieve the goal in the green.