Chiellini positions himself in favor of the Super League

Giorgio Chiellini He has given his ideas on what football is like today and how this sport faces an uncertain future. In an interview with DAZN has confirmed that he is in favor of the Superliga and he would receive her with open arms: “I have been talking about it with the president (Andrea Agnelli) for some years. The future of football is increasingly heading towards a Europeanisation with the national championships. With all due respect, but a Juve player prefers to play those games. I had been talking to the president about this possibility for many years ”, confirmed the Italian central defender. “Not only athletes of our level, but also fans want to see more and more matches at European level. We have reached a point of no return. Institutions, clubs and players must meet to reform the calendar and create new competitions to give a new impetus to this sport, which is still the most beautiful in the world but for me it can improve”, Expressed Giorgio regarding this issue

Fewer teams in Serie A, another need

Something that has wanted to specify Chiellini it is the fact that the Super League would replace the current European competitions. In this way the national competitions would continue standing, but according to the central, with important reforms: “There are too many teams in Serie A right now. We should be 18 or go back to 16, however I think 18 is a good number. Only to increase competitiveness again and give more space to European-level matches. Although we romantics at first wanted the elimination of the WHERE, remove the jurisdiction of the game or return the pass to the goalkeeper, the world is moving forward and we must not prevent ourselves from changing. I think that finding people who can discuss how to improve football is fundamental ”, he concluded. Chiellini without first encouraging European organizations to discuss and speak on this subject. “Right now there is a lack of dialogue and we are moving towards an unsustainable situation for everyone: for us and for the clubs. Even the fans perceive it too. “

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