Chenoa’s father reappears at the worst moment and puts his finger on the sore spot: “The breakup doesn’t surprise me at all”

The breakup of Chenoa with the urologist Miguel Sánchez Encinas Just a year and a half after the wedding, it has generated a great impact. The singer’s father, with whom the former triumphant does not have a good relationship, did not take long to speak out on the matter.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all,” José Carlos Corradini said this Sunday in a telephone conversation with Socialite. At the same time, the Argentine has assured that his daughter continues to have him in mind. David Bisbalwho recently released a documentary about her life in which she omitted her: “She is in love with David Bisbal, she was and always will be.”

At the same time, he has said that he has information about how their breakup occurred 20 years ago: “Laura’s family had a problem with Bisbal’s that did not come to light.” When asked if she “got it into her head that Bisbal was cheating on her,” she said yes.

The breakup of Chenoa and Miguel Sánchez Encinas came to light this Saturday after months apart. There are only eight days left until the new edition of Triumph operationthis time on Prime and with the singer herself I am human as a presenter.

Emma García’s program revealed that the marriage between Chenoa and Miguel Sánchez Encinas has come to an end after a year and a half of marriage and a relationship of more than four years. The space pointed out the possibility of the existence of third parties as one of the reasons for the breakup, according to the boyfriend’s closest environment. Likewise, from the magazine Hola They have confirmed the news and have assured that the singer and the urologist had not lived in the same roof for some time.

Chenoa’s father’s attacks on his daughter, for his part, have been constant for years. María Laura (Chenoa’s real name) and her brother Sebastián They were children when their parents broke up. Patricia Falomirhis mother, was barely of age and started working as a singer in a Palma de Mallorca hotel, but his father stayed in Argentina, without any known activity.

“I separated from my mother when my children were young. Sebastián was two years old and Laura was not one year old. I was a young man of 18 who knew nothing about life and, due to those circumstances, I separated,” he declared years ago. In the first years of David Bisbal’s ex’s life, and until her adolescence, her grandparents and her mother took care of her and her brother.