Espanyol will hold its usual General Shareholders’ Meeting on December 9 telematically at 12:00. It will not be the first of the season. In June, the Board of Directors called an extraordinary meeting to approve the capital increase of 37.8 million that helped balance the accounts after the season in Second Division. That was the last appearance of the president, who directs the entity, always in contact, from his offices in Guangzhou (China).
The agenda does not have extraordinary points, so it is expected that it will be a placid meeting, without news, where the most interesting thing will be to know the opinion of the owner of Rastar Group and the status of the accounts after the last course in Second, where there was a significant deficit saved by the expansion.

“I am confident in the viability of the club and in the potential we have. We have capitalized the loans made to provide greater stability and compensate for part of the sports deviations. With this decision, we will take an important step in financial competitiveness. If we return to financial equilibrium, the medium-term scenario will be very exciting, ”the president commented at the time.
Apart from the economic situation of the club, details of the social and sports area will also be given, especially important to know, after the promotion and the end of the restrictions due to COVID-19, of the number of subscribers and members of the entity and the income of the new sponsors after the decline.