Bad feelings after the game. “The feelings are bad, we haven't shot on goal in the whole game and they have been better than us. The feelings are bad, I don't get anything good. They've had chances and they've taken advantage of two, we haven't had any. We have done things that being a First team we cannot make and we have failed passes that a First team cannot fail. They are fair winners. “

He regretted the injury of Carlos Akapo. “The Akapo we are waiting to know what it is, but it looks bad is a knee that has been bothered for a long time, we hope it is as less serious as possible.”
Description of defeat. “I expected more from the players who came out today, but it was not possible. We are a First Division squad. Everyone. Everyone has to be prepared to play for this team. I expected a competitive match, which we could win or lose, but not so clearly in favor of them. “
Attitude and seize opportunities. “I do not close the door to anyone, but they will have it more difficult, because you have to show that you can dispute the position of the one who is ahead of you. You have to show that even if things do not turn out you are hungry … you have to demonstrate many things that I have not seen in some today. It is my profession and obligation to train, but it is also my duty to get points, so I will put those who I think are closer to achieving it “.
Conclusions. “Cádiz is a club in which we all work on the same lines. We all see the same thing, we need more. We have come to play a game against a team that is in the Second Division, I think they can beat us, but not in this way . The first half has been very close, the second has not. They can beat you, but there are things that First Division players cannot do. Many times we do things that go against us. Only attacking does not give us, because we attack when we can, not when we want to, so we have to defend well, and if you do not defend well and the attack is not good, then you lose. The feelings are bad, we are out of the Copa del Rey and we have lost the game, but it helps me learn, and I imagine more people. “
Match analysis. “All the players go out on the field wanting to do well, then the game is not always the one you want. The reality is that I didn't like it as a whole. Some always try even if things go wrong, but there are others that you see have opportunities that do not take advantage of them. “
Defeat will affect the entire team. “Cádiz is all of us, 26 players plus two goalkeepers, and it affects us all. None of us like to lose. There are many ways to lose, I will try to make sure that there are things that do not happen again with the weapons I have and I will look for the solutions that I create Today 11 players from the first team of the Cádiz first team have played, which plays in the First Division, there are not many apologies, you have to shut up and not say things that might bother you. “