Cayetano Martínez de Irujo reprimands Ábalos for his “lack of seriousness” with the agricultural sector: “Ignorant and populist”

Cayetano Martínez de Irujo intervened this Wednesday in Everything is a lie to show his discontent with the former Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of Spain, José Luis Ábaloswho at that time was debating on the set about the delicate situation that the agricultural sector is going through in Spain.

The rider wrote to Risto Mejide to give it a place, by telephone, on the Cuatro program. Wanted to “confront José Luis Ábalos live” for his “political rhetoric” when referring to “the very serious situation” that farmers are going through, who these days have taken to the roads as a form of protest.

The Count of Salvatierra regretted “the lack of knowledge” of the PSOE politician on the issue, despite the fact that “companies and associations have met many times with political leaders, both regional and national.” In this sense, he regretted that, despite the fact that the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, He has a “good disposition” to negotiate, “his hands are tied.”

“Farmers, to go out into the streets, have to leave a living being like the field unattended, which you cannot ignore because tomorrow may be too late. We are in a desperate situation. The Lord [Antonio] Naranjo has shown to have a lot of knowledge of the cause. I very much agree with him,” said Eugenia Martínez de Irujo's brother.

The rider also denounced that “political use” is being made of such a delicate situation, and supported expelling a member of Vox from the protests, since “agricultural companies and associations” appear “in an independent capacity.” A few words after which the host of the program intervened. “Something that has been said here on set is that these agricultural associations have refused to meet with the minister. You say that is false,” he explained to the son of the Duchess of Alba, who responded: “It is false, because I am in contact with all the important ones in Andalusia, although I don't belong to any.

Against the “dictatorial use” of the environment

The Duke of Salvatierra pointed out the “dictatorial use” that is made, in his opinion, of the environment against those who truly care for it: the farmers. It was at that moment when the PSOE deputy jumped out: “Specifically, his sister has been denounced for drilling eight clandestine wells that affect Doñana.”

“Look, don't use political rhetoric. You, the Socialist Party, have done nothing for 30 years with Doñana. You have allowed a policy of free will to be carried out, people have to eat and water. Until it has arrived Juanma Moreno to make a pact with you to solve it…”, Martínez de Irujo stirred, and continued: “Don't come to me talking about wells […] Have respect for a union and do not speak with political rhetoric and populism. Please be serious.” “May you precisely stand in the name of all the farmers of Spain… Knowing the hardships that the majority go through…”the former Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda defended himself.

“And what I go through! I have 40 workers under my supervision and I have not been able to pay payroll this month.. He has no idea. That is easy rhetoric,” Martínez de Irujo pointed out, accusing him of “speaking in an ignorant and populist manner” again. Finally, Risto Mejide put order on the table, and the politician gave up this confrontation, opting for silence.
