Cayetana Guillén Cuervo: “I had a very strong sexual assault when I was six years old”

Following accusations of alleged sexual assault by three women against film director Carlos Vermut, the Spanish film industry is in the spotlight. Now, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo She has denounced what happened to her when she was a child.

“There was always something in me, like that secret that you live with. We were generating Pandataria and I told Chevi [coreógrafo y creador del proyecto junto con la propia Guillén Cuervo] I had never talked about it with anyone, but maybe it was time. I was sexually assaulted when I was six years old.“said the actress in the documentary Map to Pandatariawhich premieres on the culture and science platform Caixaforum+ this Thursday, February 1, and is based on the making of of this successful theatrical show.

It should be noted that the presenter of Spanish version He gave these statements before the scandal related to Carlos Vermut broke out, who denies the accusations, since the documentary was recorded before and, as we said, it premieres this week, as planned. She made the decision to tell it after the statements of another wave of women known internationally and nationally who have told their own experiences through movements such as #MeToo or #SeAcabó.

The daughter of Gemma Cuervo and Fernando Guillén explains in the audiovisual piece: “I wasn't going to tell it in the documentary but when I heard the statements of my colleagues, I said 'you have to tell it'. I tell it because I want to be fair to my colleagues, who tell all the shit they have overcome to be who they are. Out of every ten women, nine have suffered sexual assault: it is part of our emotional map“.

The actress of The Ministry of Time He also remarks: “I don't want this to have too much prominence either, I'm just one more telling my story. The work Pandataria It talks about us in that boat into which the stage is transformed and into which we have to get on. And it is the boat that saves us but together with the others.”

And he says, about the message that his work transmits: “We have brought together people who are so disparate and so equal at the same time… We tell our wounds to serve as an example: you can get up and continue and smile and do what you like in life and reach very high. All the members of this cast have achieved their dream and have overcome their own story. And a community is already beginning to be generated to which anyone who has suffered contempt, rejection, bullying, ghosting joins… We have all felt rejection and been pandatarios at some point.”
