Pablo Urdangarin, the most sex symbol Bourbon, talks about what he likes to do with his girlfriend, Johanna Zott

“I like to make plans with my girlfriend”, says Pablo Urdangarin (Barcelona, ​​2000), who gave an interview this Saturday after completing his training period at Barça. He has signed with Fraikin Granollers for the next season. He assures that he feels that he has “the head to get” where he wants to go. The son … Read more

The thing about Carolina Adriana Herrera and her Portuguese boyfriend is not a Chinese tale: the third time is the charm

First tried with Miguel Báez Litri, father of his children, later with the Argentine Francisco Bosch, and last February Caroline Adriana Herrera he was seen with a friend at an exclusive dinner organized by the gallery owner Hilario Galguera. Weeks later, what so many had suspected was confirmed: the daughter of the famous Venezuelan dressmaker … Read more

What has become of Javi, the blond from Verano Azul, and what does he say about the use of the series by the PP

Juanjo Artero He turns 58 next week. But in 1981 she was one of the most famous people in Spain because the only television channel that we Spaniards had premiered the series at that time. Blue summer, topical because the People’s Party has used the tune of the mythical production of Antonio Mercero for his … Read more