Bertín Osborne denounces the “brutal harassment” he is receiving after knowing his paternity and warns with legal measures

Bertin Osborne has said enough With all the media commotion that has been generated after learning that he will be a father for the sixth time at 69 years old with his special friend Gabriela Guillenthe ranchera singer has asked through his social networks to paralyze what he considers to be “brutal harassment”. “I have … Read more

Kiko Matamoros, also for Bertín Osborne: “Men don’t tie their tubes, you have to talk about vasectomy”

A Bertin Osborne detractors accumulate after her controversial statements about pregnancy “accidental” of his “special friend” Gabriela Guillen. First was Mercedes Dearafter Cristina Cifuentes y Cristina Tarregaand now Kiko Matamoros. The ex-husband of makoke He has reproached the ranchera singer for joking that in “September” he “is going to tie his tubes” after knowing that … Read more

Mercedes Milá revolts against the leadership of Mediaset for the end of the ‘Deluxe’: “It is an ideological issue and you have to be military”

Mercedes Dear has been the godmother of the last night on the air of the Deluxe this Friday and his opinion on the closure of the program has not been saved. A few minutes before lowering the curtain forever, the historic television presenter has addressed the Mediaset dome with a forceful message. “I want to … Read more

Marta Ortega is expecting her third child by the end of the year and talks about the “magic” of Inditex

martha ortega She turned 39 splendid years on January 10 and now we know that the businesswoman is expecting her third child, according to progress Hola and has been able to confirm Informalia. Almost five years after marrying Carlos Torretta, We know that the most powerful woman in fashion is four months pregnant, news that … Read more

Mama Preysler’s great anger at Tamara Falcó after becoming independent more than ten years ago: “You are throwing money away”

It’s official. The Marchioness of Griñón and the businessman Inigo Onieva they open the summer season with the most anticipated ‘yes I do’. And although the daughter of the queen of hearts has been independent since 2010, Isabella Preysler he did not like that his daughter left the family home. 13 years ago, Tamara he … Read more

Carmen Alcayde, from TV to biographical theater: “She has separated after 20 years and three children in common”

carmen fresh is the new show with which Carmen Alcayde intends to survive from now on. In the same way as the rest of his former companions, like Kiko Matamoros o bethlehem estebanthe writer also has to continue eating without the enormous source of income that meant for everyone Save me. Alcayde, unlike his eight … Read more