Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz: All You Need to Know

Whether you love him or hate him, one can’t deny that burgeoning boxer Jake Paul knows how to make headlines.  The adage goes that all attention is good attention, and the YouTube prankster turned Disney star turned professional boxer certainly seems to have taken that line to heart throughout his controversial career. While many people … Read more

Michelle Yeoh, the actress of ‘Everything at the same time everywhere’, marries the ex-CEO of Ferrari after almost 20 years engaged

Michelle Yeoh (60), the current winner of the Oscar for Best Actress for Everything at once everywhereand the former CEO of Ferrari, the French Jean Todt (77) have married in Switzerland after nearly 20 years of engagement. The ceremony, held this Thursday, July 27, was attended by his closest family and friends, among whom were … Read more

Infanta Cristina leaves Marivent and goes with her children to a “top secret” destination: no meetings with Felipe and Letizia

In recent days there has been speculation about a great reunion of the infantas with their brother, Philip VIand his sister-in-law, Mrs. Letizia, in Marivent, although nothing could be further from the truth. For the moment, the dream of the Queen Sofia he will have to wait to relive those holidays with his three children … Read more

Manolo Escobar’s daughter prepares the great tribute to her father on the tenth anniversary of his death: all the details

Despite the disgust and indignation of Vanessa Escobar by the appearance of a supposed secret son of his father, the daughter of manolo escobar is determined to continue with her project of organizing a tribute to the unforgettable interpreter of the porrompompero next November, at the Calderón theater in Madrid, on the 10th anniversary of … Read more