Belén Esteban and Piqué face each other in front of thousands of spectators. How have they reacted?

bethlehem estebanas we already anticipated in Informaliagot what he asked for, and was thus able to enjoy the third edition of the evening of the yearorganized by Ibai Llanos in which famous streamers They were fighting in a boxing match. Applauded at his entrance to the Cívitas Metropolitano Stadium in Madrid, that of her beloved … Read more

Cristiano and Georgina’s struggle to finish their ‘mansion’: construction delay and “fed up” neighbors

The luxurious chalet Cristiano y Georgina go around the world It is not for less. The three thousand meters of his great ‘palace’ in Cascais, in Portugal, have become a tourist attraction for any curious person. The reason: the lack of privacy and the eternal construction of his exclusive home. The Neverending Story. This is … Read more