Luis de Lezama, priest, journalist and founder of the Lezama Group and the Iruaritz Lezama Foundation, dies

This Saturday, January 11, at 5:00 p.m., the priest, journalist and businessman died Luis de Lezama Barañano at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, in Madrid, after having received the Holy Sacraments. His funeral chapel will be installed on Monday, January 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish of Santa María la Blanca, on Monasterio de … Read more

Juan Ortega, the bullfighter who left his fiancée standing one step away from the altar, is not far from trying to get married again

Jerez de la Frontera woke up on December 2, 2023 with the festive air of a wedding promised to coated paper. The church bells awaited the solemn entrance of the bullfighter Juan Ortega and his girlfriend, the cardiologist Carmen Otte. However, what should have been a day of celebrations turned into a spectacle of astonishment: … Read more

What the defense of the Arrieta family says about the matter of the videos of Daniel Sancho’s girlfriend

Edwin Arrietasurgeon, brother, son, lies in memories that are mixed with the horror of his death. On the other side, Daniel Sanchosentenced to life imprisonment, waits in a cell, betting on a hope that seems increasingly distant. Between them, the words: defense, accusation, evidence, justice. And at the center of everything, a supposed video. Maybe … Read more

The screams of his fights with Cilia Flores can be heard throughout Venezuela

In the history of nations that suffer the yoke of tyranny, we are rarely offered a character as singular as Nicolas Madurorecent occupant—although not legitimized—of the presidential seat in Venezuela. The recent elections, more fraudulent than a wooden euro, leave in the air not only the indignation of the people, but also the suspicion that … Read more

The sacrifice of Leonor, Letizia and Felipe VI that makes us equal with the princess and the Kings

On the serene morning of Cádiz, while the Atlantic breeze combed the sails of the Juan Sebastián Elcano, Leonor sailed towards the horizon. There, on the dock, the Kings, Felipe y Joythey remained still, as if anchored to the ground that their eldest daughter was about to abandon for six long months. The scene contained … Read more

all the details of the ceremony

Big day for the princess Leonor in Cadiz. After three days in the Andalusian city acclimatizing to life on the ship, the heir to the throne and the rest of her fellow midshipmen will set sail this Saturday, January 11 on the training ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano, a voyage that will last six months … Read more