faints in a store and loses consciousness

Stress has taken its toll on One Pi, that this Monday she fainted while visiting a store in the company of her husband, Asraf Beno. The young woman, who is in her fourth month of pregnancy and traveled to the Canary Islands last weekend to support her cousin Anabel, felt unwell and lost consciousness for … Read more

Felipe VI sends a telegram to Trump and conveys “the highest consideration and esteem” from Letizia to Melania

The United States has a new president. Donald Trump He was inaugurated this Monday in his new position in a ceremony held in Washington attended by, in addition to former presidents such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, friends such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg. Hours before, as protocol dictates, … Read more

“We hope there are no complications”

Emiliano Suárez and Carola Baleztena face their future with serenity and hope after an unexpected setback. She is the unforgettable actress of the series Nothing is forever, When leaving class o I am Beaand in the cinema, we saw it in Torrent 3. Carola has just spent her 45th birthday at the Anderson clinic in … Read more

Ana Obregón, the terrifying reality of surrogate mothers and a law that comes to protect them

In the photographs that flooded the covers of magazines, Ana Obregon She held her granddaughter in her arms, a beautiful creature wrapped in a delicate white blanket that seemed to radiate serenity. The images seem taken from a Renaissance painting: mother and daughter, grandmother and granddaughter, united by a bond of life that transcends generations. … Read more