“They told me that 40 gypsies were coming to burn down my store”

The designer is the protagonist of the controversy of the week after uttering an unfortunate derogatory phrase for gypsies last Saturday. Despite her apologies, public and private, to those offended (Lolita, among others), her boyfriend, José Manuel Díaz-Patónmade things worse by attacking La Faraona’s daughter and calling her “taken advantage of” to gain popularity with … Read more

“And those we still have to fulfill…”

Two months have passed since Isabel Pantoja’s niece became a mother for the first time with David Rodriguez. The little one Alma She remains admitted to the Maternal and Child University Hospital of Gran Canaria and from there her proud mother has congratulated her: “Two months, my life, and all the months we have left … Read more

Jorge Javier’s solution after ‘improvising’ with Verónica Dulanto and Frank Blanco

The first step in remodeling the Telecinco grid has already been taken. Alberto CarulloMediaset’s new Content Director, has decided recover Ana Rosa Quintana for the mornings starting February 3. The presenter leaves the afternoons, where she has not obtained the expected data, and returns to the slot in which she was the leader for so … Read more

his reaction in full live

Sonsoles Onega This Wednesday afternoon I interviewed the hairdresser Manuel Zamorano, who also has an open war with Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, which adds to the one she has with Lolita, when the Mediaset bombshell broke: Ana Rosa leaves the afternoons and returns to the mornings starting February 3. At that very moment, Sonsoles … Read more

His lawyers sue the author and publisher of the book ‘Killing in Thailand’

The defense of the Spanish chef is not enough. Barely 48 hours after having filed an appeal against Daniel Sancho’s sentence in the Thai court (after having requested three extensions), Daniel Sancho’s lawyers are studying launching a new judicial procedure, this time as plaintiffs of Joaquín Campos, the journalist and author of the book Killing … Read more