From Paula Echevarría to Omar Sánchez

One million visualizations in just 30 minutes. Anabel Pantoja’s video explaining what happened to her daughter Alma and why both she and David Rodríguez are being investigated as the gunpowder on social networks. It was TSJC himself who made known the details of the ongoing investigation this Thursday, stating that he was part of the … Read more

“I have learned today”

The reaction of Belén Esteban was one of the most anticipated after knowing the research that weighs on Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez for alleged child abuse after the small soul entered the UMI and received a high 18 days later, last Monday. María Patiño, meanwhile, has insisted that it is “an ordinary protocol.” “It … Read more

Ana Rosa Quintana returns to the morning, “My natural site”, and takes up the political debate in Telecinco

Ana Rosa Quintana returns Monday in Telecinco. “My natural site,” he said during the presentation of the new season of THE AR PROGRAM that takes up after a year and a half in Tart, A season which has described as “magnificent experience”, although it has also recognized that it has been “hard”, because “at first … Read more