From gold coins to half a million euros: the countries that pay their athletes the best in the Winter Olympics

This Sunday ends the 2022 Winter Olympics held in the city of Beijing. Without a doubt, one of the most important sporting events of the year for many of the athletes who participate and therefore aspire to win a medal for their country, as was the case of our female representative Queralt Castellet when she … Read more

These are the best investments against inflation, according to the analysis of the returns of the last century

For months, inflation has covered the front pages of national and international newspapers. In Spain as in the United Kingdom, the inflation rate is currently at 6.1% and 5.5%, respectively. Namely, at 30 year highs. In the case of the United States, at 7.5%, it is the rate of inflation highest in the last four … Read more

Whether there is war or not, the economy is heading towards stagflation

Economists call black swans to those unexpected events that change the course of things. A) Yes happened in the last decade with the subprime mortgage crisiswhich caused the biggest recession since 29, or with the pandemicwhich triggered telluric movements in the stock markets and in the world economy. The frequency of these unexpected eventswhich used … Read more

Margarita del Val’s warning: this advance can improve the situation of the pandemic in spring

Although he has sometimes been described as one of the least optimistic voices regarding the coronavirus pandemic due to his more prudent messages, the truth is that Margarita del Val’s opinion remains one of the most authoritative in all of Spain. And, with infections and hospital occupation falling after the sixth wave and the presence … Read more

The Fed prohibits its top officials from buying stocks, bonds, cryptos or holding short positions

The United States Federal Reserve (Fed) has published its new ethical regulations with the aim to maintain the confidence of citizens in the impartiality of the institution, months after it became known that several of its senior officials had carried out million-dollar operations in the markets during the pandemic. The organism already reported in October … Read more