What if the Fed has to hit the emergency brake? This would be the blow to the markets and the economy

The US Federal Reserve (Fed) maintains all its arsenal deployed despite the sharp increase in inflation and the tightness in the labor market (companies do not find enough workers). The Fed continues to defend that this phenomenon is transitory, so there is no need to ‘put a stop to’ an economic recovery that still has … Read more

Unions and employers reach a preliminary agreement to end the metal strike

The Secretary General of UGT-FICA in Cádiz, Manuel Montoro, has confirmed that a preliminary agreement has been reached between employers and unions in relation to the collective agreement in the metal sector, after a nine-day strike with several negotiation meetings in between. However, in statements to journalists, Montoro explained that this preliminary agreement will now … Read more

This is how the calendar of the Spanish stock market remains in 2022: there will be three holidays

24/11/2021 – 12:15 Updated: 12:33 – 11/24/21 The working calendar of the Spanish stock market for 2022 is already known. It has been announced, as usual, by Bolsa y Mercados Españoles (BME), the company that operates the national equity, fixed income and derivatives markets. Next year there will only be three festive days for investors, … Read more

Telefónica will achieve a historic profit that is only ‘extraordinary’

The first meaning that the Royal Spanish Academy collects for the word “extraordinary” refers to something that “is outside the natural or common order or rule”, the second refers to something that “is added to the ordinary”. Well the benefits of Telefónica expected for this year fit perfectly with both entries. The 10,158 million that … Read more

Bank of America declares bearish in the face of “rate shock” in the making

The team led by Michael Hartnett, the chief investment strategist at Bank of America Securities, says they are “bearish” on the market given the “shock” on interest rates looming next year. In a report distributed this week to his clients, Hartnett estimates that inflation will push rates up, with the potential risk that the Federal … Read more

Luis de Guindos: “The recovery will continue despite the sixth wave of the coronavirus”

The vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Luis de Guindos believes that the sixth wave of coronavirus infections will have a lesser impact than the previous ones and that the European economy will continue to expand. “I am convinced that the European economy will continue to expand. Economic activity has been adapting to … Read more