Piqué, enraged with the paparazzi that puts him in check: his reaction to seeing him at his children’s school

When their relationship broke down, the intention of Shakira was to move in with her two children, Milan 9 years old and Sasha of 7, to Miami. In fact, this summer I already wanted to spend it there with them. Nevertheless, Pique He was prevented by his lawyers. As he anticipated Informalia on August 19 … Read more

Antonio David returns to YouTube and announces his next ‘victim’: María Patiño

The holidays are over and the ex of Rocio Carrasco He resumes his activity on social networks and on his YouTube channel, from where he settles pending accounts with all the journalists and commentators who were previously his colleagues and friends. Antonio David Flores has jumped on the bandwagon of scandal Aviles (which tried to … Read more

Ortega Cano, fed up with Ana María’s reproaches on television: “I think it’s very strong that she says those things about her husband”

After what Ana Maria Aldon tell him that his relationship with Ortega Cano is “cordial” and that, being in the same house, they neither see each other nor make plans together, the right-hander can’t take it anymore: “I think it’s very strong that she has to say those things about her husband. Very strong and … Read more

This is the new Kim Kardashian swimwear collection: skirts, leggings and hats

The businesswoman has launched a small capsule collection to complement her first swimwear collection, on sale since last March. Such has been the reception Kim Kardashian has wanted to expand with new designs, as well as gloves, hats and other accessories that have been presented this Friday. The new garments combine the brand’s famous shapewear … Read more