The Social Security notice: this is what you are going to collect for retirement and how you can calculate it

The most repeated question by workers throughout their lives is how much money will they have left when they retire, that is, the amount of the retirement pension. And while there is no standard answer, Social Security holds the key to unraveling this mystery. The organism, through its profile of attention to the citizen of … Read more

Castilla y León asks that in order to be an active farmer, affiliation to Social Security is required

Valladolid 9/12/2021 – 21:08 The defense of the professional farmer, the suppression of degressiveness or redistributive payment in the eco-schemes, as well as the request for a comprehensive National Plan for the sheep and goat sector, make up the allegations that the Junta de Castilla y León will present to the National Strategic Plan of … Read more

Jim Rogers: “We will have a bear market in 2022 and it will be longer than normal”

New York 7:15 – 9/12/2021 Updated: 10:39 – 12/9/21 Jim Rogers is honest and pretty straightforward when it comes to eyeing the direction of the market. For some, his predictions may turn out to be somewhat catastrophic, especially with the exuberance and debauchery that has characterized the markets in recent years. Now, experience is always … Read more