Lagarde uncovers the traps in Sánchez’s economy

“The recovery is slowing down”, the phrase pronounced this Thursday by the president of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, confirmed what we have already perceived in recent months. There is also no more than taking a look at the latest composite PMI for the euro area, at nine-month lows, with economies like Germany stagnant for the … Read more

This is what you contribute to Social Security, collecting unemployment or a subsidy from SEPE

17/12/2021 – 13:48 Updated: 08:00 – 12/18/21 When a worker loses his job but has the right to receive a contributory unemployment benefit (unemployment), he does not stop contributing to Social Security. The same happens with some subsidies for a certain time. In all these circumstances, the citizen continues to contribute to something as important … Read more

This is the formula that the Government is studying to implement tolls on Spanish highways

If a more than controversial measure has remained latent in this 2021 that is already closing its doors in the automotive sector, that is the implementation of a toll system on Spanish highways. The end of gratuity that the Government contemplates for Spanish roads in order to access the recovery funds of the European Union, … Read more

The truckers call off the Christmas break after reaching an agreement with the Government

The National Committee for Road Transport (CNTC) of goods has called off the lockout scheduled for December 20, 21 and 22 after reaching an agreement with the Government late this Friday. The last meeting between the business organizations and the Ministry of Transport, after spending the last two days exchanging documents, points of view and … Read more