Felipe VI and Letizia: night of poetry and art at the inauguration of the Picasso Year for the 50th anniversary of his death

Opening ceremony of the Picasso Year. Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid. At the entrance to the art gallery, at door C2 of the auditorium, the press colleagues talked about the attendance of the emeritus at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. It was the news of the day. The King and Queen presided over this … Read more

Jorge Javier mocks Antonio David, Rocío Flores and Rosa Benito with a surreal meme and only four words

Jorge Javier Vazquez has been pissed off Anthony David, dew flowers y rose benedict in a tweet that has quickly gone viral on social media. The presenter returns from his summer vacations with his batteries charged and ready to unleash all his heavy artillery against his ‘enemies’. read also: José Antonio Avilés, willing to stand … Read more

Charles III and his brothers in uniform except the disowned Andrew (without military honors): Scotland mourns Elizabeth II

From Holyroodhouse, seat of the Scottish Parliament, to St. Giles Cathedral. This is the route that the coffin with the mortal remains of the Queen isabel II this Monday, September 12 in the early afternoon. Along the way, on foot, she has been accompanied by her son, Charles IIIwho led the procession, the consort, Camillaand … Read more

Felipe VI and Letizia, on the list of confirmed royals at Isabel II’s funeral: and Juan Carlos I and Doña Sofía? “It’s his personal decision”

The King and Queen have officially confirmed their attendance at the state funeral of Elizabeth II. This has been communicated by the Royal House this Monday, September 12, which has also transferred to Don Juan Carlos y Mrs. Sofia the invitation. The assistance of the emeritus to the funeral will be “their personal decision”, according … Read more

Carlos III, excited in the British Parliament while Camilla sings ‘God Save the King’

Carlos III and the queen consort, Camilla Parker Bowles, attended the British Parliament on Monday, where the new king’s first intervention as monarch took place. Carlos, moved, has remembered his mother, who died last Thursday the 8th, before the parliamentarians. “As Shakespeare says of the previous queen Elizabeth, she was a model for all living … Read more