The King defends European funds for modernization: “It is a unique opportunity that cannot be missed”

In his Christmas speech, King Felipe VI emphasized the need for Spain to adapt to technological changes and the green revolution, and defended the use of European funds to promote a modernization program. “It is a unique opportunity that cannot be missed,” he said. The challenges that the pandemic has brought with it pose a … Read more

This is the pension of a self-employed person who contributes for the minimum: how many years do you have to work?

A large part of the self-employed collective uses a formula based on a fallacy. It is very common to hear more than one self-employed person explain that they contribute for the minimum in order to increase the level of benefits and, thus, increase the amount saved for the end of their working life. This strategy … Read more

Bill Gates warns: “We are entering the worst of the pandemic”, although the wave could last “less than three months”

The billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, one of the people who has warned the most in recent decades of the risk of a pandemic, has issued a clear warning about the expansion of the omicron variant: “When it seemed that life was going to return to normal normalcy, we may be entering the worst phase of … Read more

Masks will be mandatory outdoors again from Friday

22/12/2021 – 17:23 Updated: 13:13 – 12/23/21 The masks return abroad from December 24. The Government has reintroduced its mandatory nature, with exceptions, as requested by several regional presidents and has planned to accelerate vaccination and the reinforcement of health care to try to reduce the impact of the sixth wave of covid. Thus, the … Read more

Iberia and Renfe negotiate to join forces and take plane travelers by AVE to Barajas

Iberia and Renfe are exploring an alliance to transfer passengers from the plane to the train through the high-speed lines to Barajas. As confirmed to the Economist sources involved in the negotiations, two of the most important transport companies in Spain are working on an intermodality solution that brings long-haul passengers closer to the main … Read more