A bookmaker annoys Mbappé

Mbappé, like so many other footballers, has to put up with comments that sometimes exceed certain limits. Yesterday a betting house that is used to writing ironic texts on its social networks published one out of place in which it mentioned Kylian’s father. The PSG striker, upset by the unfortunate gesture of Winamax Sport, did … Read more

Schedule and where to watch Olympiacos on TV

The Barça visit the complicated field of Piraeus to face the Olympiacos Greek, third classified in the regular phase of the Euroleague. It is a direct duel for the first places in the playoffs. Thus, the Barcelona de Sarunas Jasikeciviuscurrent finalist of the Euroleagueis looking for its third consecutive victory in the regular phase of … Read more

Ratiu, a Romanian international who aims high

Interesting season that the side of Huesca and the Romanian team are experiencing Andrei Ratiu. At 23 years old, the footballer is showing constant growth in a category as demanding as the Second division and he is also looking for his consolidation as the first option on the right side of the defense of his … Read more

head on the Real

He is the great hope for the future at Real and at Anoeta they want to pamper him accordingly. The name of Jon Karrikaburu (Elizondo, 2002) begins to sound strongly as a future for Athletic, as a hook for the candidacies for presidential elections that currently have no date. Some voices already declare themselves in … Read more

Something is moving in San Mamés

Athletic unveiled yesterday its new project for the popular stands of San Mamés. The entity itself, chaired by Aitor Elizegi, responded to a series of questions to justify this initiative, which is based on the collection of signatures from the San Mamesen Orroa collective and the consequent call for an extraordinary assembly to debate this … Read more

Susy Augustesen and the record of 110,000 fans

The Barça, from time to time, shows why he likes to say he has the best fans in the world. The historical crowd in Champions It has been a boost in self-esteem, a reaffirmation of values ​​and, perhaps, a turning point in the relevance of women’s sport. The “Més que un Club” has gone around … Read more