Casemiro and Mendy will be able to play against Real Sociedad

Casemiro and Mendy will be available to Zidane to play against Real Sociedad this coming Sunday. Both disputed the 90 minutes of the match against Valencia, risking to miss the San Sebastian duel.

Neither of them saw the yellow that the suspension entailed, so Zidane You can count on them before the Royal Society. Especially important is CI affirm, player who has no replacement in the Real Madrid squad and when he is not, the white team suffers a lot.

The Brazilian, despite being at risk of suspension, did not play nado braking ’against Valencia, who on more than one occasion asked for yellow for Casemiro for some of its inputs. The referee ignored the 'che' requests and the player ended up not seeing yellow.

In the case of Mendy, Zidane has options on the team if the Frenchman could not have played. Marcelo It is the other left side of a white template in which only the positions of Carvajal, on the right side, and Casemiro, in the midfield, are not doubled.