The mother of Inigo Onieva she’s desperate. The media attention that her figure arouses thanks to the next link of her son and Tamara Falco It drives her crazy and this Tuesday, as Informalia published, she sent a statement to the media appealing to her right to privacy. But that is not all: Carolina MolasIn addition, she has given up participating in the juicy exclusive that the Marquise de Griñón is negotiating for her big day… and she is the godmother!
This is how she herself has transmitted it to various journalists, such as Isabel Rábago or Daniel Carande. Obviously, Molas will have a leading role on the wedding day, since she is in charge of accompanying the groom to the altar, and will inevitably appear in the images of the report, but she has refused to pose for the greeting magazine, which already dreamed of the cover of the couple ‘guarded’ by their two beautiful mothers. Neither will Iñigo’s brothers, Alejandra and Jamie.

In addition, Carolina has wanted to make it clear that she has no relationship with Isabella Preyslerneither good nor bad, and that the latest news about his supposed invitation to the queen of hearts to have dinner at his house was the straw that broke the camel’s back: “I didn’t invite her to dinner, we don’t have a friendship and I don’t want her to keep lying.”