Carmen Tello, after her wedding with Curro Romero: “We remember the Duchess of Alba a lot”

These are the first words of the ‘girlfriend’ after saying “yes, I want” to rosemary work by the Church last Sunday. A religious celebration that both the bullfighter and his wife, carmen tello, they had been waiting 20 years, since they got married by civil law. They fulfilled their dream surrounded by family and close friends: “We miss the Duchess of Alba very much,” she said.

Also read: Curro Romero and Carmen Tello are married by the Church in an intimate ceremony held in Seville

the deceased Cayetana and Carmen were inseparable and their absence last Saturday was one of the most painful for the protagonists of the day, who did have the support and company of Alfonso Diezthe widower of the duchess: “We were discussing it with him, we miss her every day,” Tello said this Monday in And now Sonsoles. “Also to my parents, who left recently. They were very believers and they were the ones who instilled faith in me. I know that they were from above protecting us and giving us their blessings,” she said.

Curro Romero and Carmen Tello are already husband and wife in the eyes of God. The refusal of Concha Marquez Piquer Granting the bullfighter the ecclesiastical annulment of their marriage prevented the couple from swearing eternal love on an altar all these years. They did, yes, in a court almost two decades ago. “Curro’s annulment was very complicated but God wanted things to be like that,” said the ‘girlfriend’.

The ceremony took place on Sunday in the chapel of the Casa Pilatos in Seville. It was intimate and private and attended by Carmen’s four children (the result of her marriage to the Marqués de la Motilla), and Curro’s sisters, as well as some close friends, such as the widowed Duke of Alba, Alfonso Díez, the doctors Trujillo and Muniaín, Marta Talegón, or José María García and Montse Fraile, in addition to the hosts of Casa Pilatos, the Dukes of Segorbe. In the absence of Conchitín (the bullfighter’s daughter) for a business trip, María Romero, Curro’s sister, was the godmother; while Javier, Carmen’s brother, was in charge of accompanying her to the altar.