Carmen Sevilla’s representative and driver, against Augusto for the ashes controversy: “They are treating her like a beggar”

The first reactions to the information related to the ashes of Carmen Sevilla They have already arrived from the hand of whoever was their representative, Luis Mendezand his driver, Tino Fernández. Pilar Vidal has published this Wednesday that the ashes of the figure of Spanish song and cinema have not been collected from the Pozuelo de Alarcón funeral home 105 days after his death.

Augusto himself has later denied this information through Rappel. The seer has revealed in The world that he has spoken with the presenter’s son and that he denies these claims, ensuring that his mother’s ashes have indeed been collected and that they will now be distributed among the three places that Carmen indicated.

Despite this denial, the representative and driver of the missing artist have been very indignant. Luis Mendezfor its part, has released Public mirror: “It surprises me, but it doesn’t surprise me (…) They haven’t gone after Carmen, they are treating her like a beggar.”

Tino Fernández He has also been forceful: “It seems that he has not yet picked up his mother, it seems that he is passing on the subject a little (…) When my mother died on the second day, I already had her in my possession. If the news is true, “He will know the reasons.”

At the same time, Carmen’s former driver has taken the opportunity to criticize how he managed the presenter’s final goodbye, which was celebrated in the strictest privacy: “When Carmen died, she did not allow anything to be done to her. Augusto is like He has his reasons and he will know, but he will have to understand that people are not happy with his way of proceeding.

Moncho Ferrer, For its part, it has not commented on the matter and has declined to make any type of statement. It must be remembered that he was the only person who had permission from Augusto to visit Carmen in the residence on the outskirts of Madrid where she remained hospitalized during the last years of her life.

The light of Carmen Sevilla, consumed by Alzheimer’s, went out forever on June 27. The son of the former presenter of Cine de Barrio received criticism for not opening a funeral chapel for his mother, as did other great figures of Spanish culture such as Rocío Jurado, Lola Flores or Sara Montiel. María Teresa Campos and María Jiménez have also been farewelled this summer with emotional and well-deserved recognition.

The artist left as discreetly as she has lived in recent years. In 2009 she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, in 2010 she retired from public life and in 2015 she entered a nursing home, where she has remained until the end of her days. She died at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital, where she was transferred just two days before her death.