It is an open secret. Carmen Lomana y Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, two women from Spanish high society, do not have a good relationship. However, socialites coincide on occasion. Their last meeting was in The New Future Rake of Madridwhich was held this Friday.
Although they did not cross paths directly at the event, the designer told the Europa Press microphones that she became aware of the collaborator’s presence, as she stood near her. stand. “It has been in front of my position for an hour. Look, there was room to be somewhere else,” she pointed out without mincing words.

For his part, Lomana, who also agreed to make statements, was much more blunt when talking about the former Pedro J. Ramírez. “I have come here to help and see, nothing more,” said the collaborator. Likewise, she took advantage of the recent investiture of Pedro Sánchez to make it clear how he was not going to act with Ágatha. “We are not going to be like the president yesterday, laughing at his opponent with a clean laugh,” she said.

When did the misunderstandings start?
The diva war was fueled when Carmen sent a dart to Ágatha about her new boyfriend, José Manuel Díaz Patón: “The first thing you have to do is teach your boyfriend some manners, because he behaves like a lad.” Furthermore, Carmen described the designer as “conceited, arrogant, frustrated and envious” in the last polygraph she underwent.
“If she’s like this all day, do you think this can be tolerated? Isn’t it about blocking her? The day I blocked her, I was in awe. You can criticize yourself among friends, but what’s not tolerable is that “A person with whom you have no trust criticizes you. He has an obsession with me,” the designer explained.