Carmen Borrego’s first reaction to her daughter-in-law’s latest shooting: “angry” but “calm”

There is no peace for the Campos. The first anniversary of the death of Maria Teresa and with the relationship with his son at a standstill, Carmen Borrego receives a new blow this Tuesday: the interview of his still daughter-in-law, Paola Olmedofor the magazine Week. The ex of Jose Maria Almoguera is featured on the cover and from there he launches all the poisoned darts he had kept against the one who is still his mother-in-law: “I will never forgive her.”

Their relationship has been plagued by ups and downs and marked by Borrego’s work, who communicated to the press some movements and news about the couple against their wishes in order to fatten up the exclusives that she later gave. A business that was not at all funny to José María or Paola and that reached its peak when Carmen negotiated with the Argentinean’s pregnancy: “We got along well until my pregnancy arrived. I will never forgive her for selling my pregnancy without consulting me and without my consent. I had a very bad time, with a lot of stress, and I was only three months pregnant,” she said.

Terelu’s sister’s reaction to her ex-daughter-in-law’s new attack was not long in coming: “I have a very clear conscience”she said through Leticia Requejo. Obviously, she is not happy that Paola stirs up a hornet’s nest that already seemed dormant, especially on the eve of the first anniversary of her mother’s death, but Carmen has tried to keep up appearances in front of her colleagues: “I don’t want any more controversy. I feel very calm about my actions.”

It should be remembered that “the events” not only blew up the relationship between Paola and Carmen, but also between Carmen and her own son, José María, with whom she has not spoken since last April. And what is worse: with little Marc, their son, a child that his grandmother has not seen since March.
