“Carmen Borrego’s daughter-in-law’s braces are still there, but not Morata and Alice’s love”

The name of Carmen Borrego’s ex-daughter-in-law was not even in the pools to illustrate the cover of any gossip magazine. But look where Paola Olmedo gives a pose with statements to the magazine Week And it is my colleague Marta Bolonio who reviews with her everything that has happened in her life since she married and separated from María Teresa Campos’ grandson in an interview that leaves us wanting more headlines and a second part. It is her first time on her own and she prefers to go a little toned down.

He doesn’t attack his in-laws as some expected, but he doesn’t exactly shower them with praise either. Paola poses with her mouth closed and the years go by but her braces are still there. She says she is the bad guy in the movie because she has that face, a bad one.but it doesn’t seem like it keeps him up at night. About her ex-husband and father of her son she only says that he was a very immature boy and that at 31 years old they had very different lives.But it doesn’t end there. He recommends a woman like him to the immature man and of course, if we pay attention to what he tells us, then there would have to be another immature woman.. One that doesn’t spend them like Paola, who must be a much more mature woman in that regard. The good thing about this couple is that they have known how to break up without making a big deal out of it and they have remained friends and sharing everything that unites them with their son.. They are not as immature in this as others believe. At least on the important things there is harmony.

But if we were all expecting wit at the expense of her daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, Paola leaves us hanging and unable to comment with her bleeding titular friends. He doesn’t paint a picture of Carmen Borrego, but he doesn’t ignore her either.. His anger with her was when she sold the news of her pregnancy and it is very clear that he does not forgive her. He neither forgives nor forgets.. He felt bad that he was not consulted and that he was marketing his baby without the parents’ permission. This is how he tells it and we have no reason to doubt his words..

De las Campos simply believes, and this is no small thing, that the lifestyle they had did not fit in at all with his. and much less at the moment he was going through and which seems, he clarifies, to have been especially fragile. But what it does do is distance itself from the profile of the classic daughter-in-law who stirs up trouble against her mother-in-law.. She claims that it was her ex-husband who wanted to distance himself from her mother and even points out that at some point she tried to smooth things over.

The other covers

The Morata are the cover of Ten Minutes And not precisely because there is a new opportunity or they smile at life.. Serious and dressed casually, they go to the first day of school with two of their four children. As if they were a normal family, but aware that as soon as the little ones enter class, each one goes their own way. There are those who see a family photo and think that the days of the breakup are numbered. But nothing could be further from the truth, as I am told by those close to the couple.Trying to save face is just that, an attempt and a photo.

The reality is that the fracture is one that does not allow a good patch and leaves a mark.. Morata is in Milan accompanied by his mother who has left her life in Marbella to be close to her son at this time. She is also separated and knows how to live that grief. The footballer is currently living in a hotel until his mother finds the perfect apartment so that he can have something similar to a home and so that his four children can spend time with him. Alice remains in Madrid with the children and there is no indication that they will pack their bags for Italy at least at the start of this season. The siren songs that speak of a new meeting remain just that, songs, because despite appearances and messages of peace in the world of their social networks, I am assured that Morata is having a really bad time, especially because he cannot see his children every day..

In this love virus that has entered the bullfighting world, the one who gives the latest headline is precisely the Peruvian bullfighter Roca Rey who appears portrayed very happy with his new partner.. A very cute Mexican, a university student with whom he went out for a drink and ended up playing melodic songs. Roca Rey, Pablo Aguado, Juan Ortega, Enrique Ponce, Cayetano Rivera… The national holiday is in full swing, Love Story, and we are missing a few bullfighting weddings with mantillas and lots of short dresses. We will see if these roses bloom in spring and we are going to celebrate such an overdose of love that the gossip magazines have to eat something.
