The waters do not go down calmly between carmen borrego and his son, Jose Maria Almoguera. Paola, the young man’s wife, was admitted this Sunday to the La Paz hospital in Madrid to give birth to her first child. Carmen was not aware and she has found out from the press that her grandson is about to be born.
“She found out from us. She didn’t know that her daughter-in-law was at the La Paz Hospital right now. She would have liked to have been informed,” journalist Saúl Ortiz assured in Fiesta after contacting the youngest daughter of María Teresa Campos.

Terelu’s sister told her: “I’m not going to talk about anything like I’ve done in recent months.” On whether she will go to the hospital, Carmen has explained that she will not: “I am not going to set up any number.”
Let’s remember that the relationship between Carmen Borrego and José María Almoguera is very complicated since the former threw poisoned darts at her daughter-in-law, Paola, and her mother: “Grudgesome people cannot have a good heart because rancor prevents them, the Resentment is hate. I don’t like spiteful people. It’s what scares me the most. It scares me for my son,” he said then.
Following these statements, his son broke all relations with his mother, whom he has not seen since. Carmen has lost the pregnancy. She is going to be her first grandchild and she has not been able to enjoy the baby shower that Paola gave, nor to be able to go buy things for the baby’s room, or clothes or all the accessories that newborns need. The typical thing that some grandparents do. But that is not going to deprive Carmen of doing an exclusive when she is a grandmother, just as Informalia published in scoop and later confirmed by Carmen herself in her program.