Carmen Borrego, faced with the possible Bigote Arrocet exclusive: “I know what he is saying from behind”

After the death of Maria Teresa Campos On September 5, eyes were also inevitably directed towards Arrocet Mustache, the last boyfriend of the Malaga journalist. His reaction was one of the most expected and now, in addition, the run run of a possible exclusive that would be just around the corner.

The comedian has not responded in recent hours to reporters’ questions about the veteran communicator, which has raised all suspicions. So much so that Sandra Barneda has dropped: “If there is an exclusive, we will talk again.”

Carmen Borrego spoke about it this Monday on Telecinco: “I’m not going to talk about this man until he makes a statement. I don’t care at all because I know what he’s saying behind the scenes: that we weren’t taking care of my mother.”

Terelu’s sister does not allow this matter to be brought into question: “I have made it clear and I repeat it again. This man cannot refer to my mother’s care because he had been out of Terelu’s life for more than three years. “My mother. And, when they were together, my mother was active, she worked. What care did she need at that time?” he blurted out.

At the same time, María Teresa’s youngest daughter has recalled what the relationship she and Terelu had with the comedian was like: “We never had a problem with him, not only that, but her children have loved my mother. The messages that I have of them, they are wonderful. I have not had an ‘Ouch’ with Edmundo at any time.”

Edmundo and María Teresa dated for six years until breaking up in 2019. Historical is the cover of the communicator in Hola ensuring that the Chilean left her via WhatsApp. As a result, an unprecedented media ‘war’ began. Arrocet was away from the media spotlight for a time, although his reappearances have always been a constant. After the death of María Teresa it was not going to be less.