Carmen Borrego believes that her son José María’s “poisonous” exclusive is orchestrated by her ex-husband

From the family environment of Carmen Borrego There is a suspicion that makes more and more sense: they believe that Francisco Almogueraher ex-husband and father of her two children, is the one behind the devastating exclusive in which, with the formal excuse of telling about their separation, José María Almoguera y Paola Olmedo They destroy the journalist in the interview Week. And this is how she understood it as soon as she heard the news: “There are too many orchestrated things in my son’s life and this is one of them.”

Carmen Borrego has been categorical and has indirectly pointed out her ex-husband, Francisco Almoguera, as the architect of her son’s latest betrayal: “He knew what he was doing, without a doubt”. As a good communication professional, she has chosen her words very well and has carefully read between the lines: “I have been putting up with many things for many years that I have no reason to put up with. I don’t want to say anything that I might later regret, but everything has a limit”.

Terelu Campos’ sister, who has not let go of her hand at any time, has sent a very clear message to her son: “I have done everything for him and I have a clear conscience. I will continue to be here if he needs me but everything in life has a limit and it may have arrived today”. Very seriously, she continued: “I don’t know if he will sleep peacefully, I do. I have spent years killing myself for my children and putting up with things that I shouldn’t have put up with and, surely, if I hadn’t put up with it this wouldn’t have happened.” And she added: “I can die at this moment and I will die like a great mother.” In addition, she has thrown a dig at her still daughter-in-law, Paola Olmedo: “Children are very unfair and those who come with them even more so.”

Borrego was in ‘shock’ by the tsunami of information he received in a few minutes but he was able to say that many of the “lies” that José María and Paola have told can be proven. He has also confirmed that he gave them some of the money from the pregnancy exclusive: “I gave them money even though they expected more and stopped talking to me.” Asked by Jorge Javier about whether children “are expensive”, she responded: “Children are not expensive, you give them what you can and what you want, but now mine will be cheaper.” And she added: “Now I feel freer.”

Who is Francisco Almoguera?

News producer, family and biker. This is how those who know him best describe Francisco Almoguera. He married Carmen Borrego when they were both very young, in 1989, and they had two children, José María and Carmen. Their love did not last long and they separated after seven years of marriage. The situation between them was not easy although Borrego always had good words for the father of his children: “I don’t regret anything.”

Some time later, the two rebuilt their lives: Francisco remarried in 2012 and Carmen remarried two years later with José Carlos Bernal. At the wedding of José María and Paola they shared the wedding table and maintained politeness and manners, although they did not pose together in a single photograph.

Francisco, who was deputy director of information at RTVE, is now a news producer at Radio Nacional de España. He had a blog, Give yourself a volt, which has been inactive for years, and in which he shared his passion for travel, gastronomy and golf.
