Given the rumor that Arrocet Mustache is negotiating a new exclusive, Carmen Borrego has spoken out again about the controversy that has surrounded the Campos clan in recent days. María Teresa Campos’ daughter, still outraged by the Chilean comedian’s media attacks, has announced her next steps.
“I have taken legal measures. There comes a time when my mother’s memory is above everything,” he announced this Monday in We’ll see. “We are not going to allow one more defamation to be said,” she also stated on behalf of Terelu Campos.
Last Wednesday, Edmundo offered an exclusive in which he threw darts at the Campos sisters, implying that they did not pay attention to their mother enough: “In six years Terelu went to María Teresa’s house about ten times and Carmen didn’t even do that.” “. The comedian, who had a relationship with the Malaga journalist between 2014 and 2019, gave this interview just a month after María Teresa’s death.
Among the headlines that he also left: “Teresa wanted to get married to leave me a pension”, “Whenever we went on a trip I paid for everything”, “Teresa’s jealousy was distancing the relationship” or “I was not only a night caretaker, I solved all the problems at home.” Both Carmen, Terelu Campos and Alejandra Rubio have been very indignant these days, not only because of the content of the statements and because her mother cannot defend herself, but also because of the delicate and complicated moment in which they arrive.