Carmen Alcayde, broken, talks about the reasons that led her to separate from her husband after 30 years together

Last October 11, Carmen Alcayde announced in Save me that after 30 years of relationship, 19 of marriage and three children together, separated from her husband Eduardo Primo. This Thursday, the Valencian has delved into it and she has been encouraged to tell the reasons that led her to make this decision.

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This summer, Carmen felt several “clicks” that made her realize that things were no longer going well between them. One of the “clicks” was the Save me Mediafest, where she had a great time: “I was so happy and it filled me so much”.

Although at first she assured that the separation was by mutual agreement, Alcayde has dropped that she was the one who took the first step. However, hers and her ex-husband thought it was fine and it was she who encouraged him to tell it on the Telecinco program.

The journalist has left the house they shared together and has rented an apartment: “We have three little people who in the end have done it for them. In the house where we were it belonged to him and I love my ex-husband very much, no I want to enter that war when that house is his life. Although I could fight being the mother. I rented an apartment with his approval and by mutual agreement and I left so as not to spoil his life and his house. He has even accompanied me on some visit and I have shown him where the children were going to sleep and everything”.

So that there is no speculation that there are third parties involved, Carmen wanted to make it clear: “I thought I was going to be with him until the end of my days, but when my head clicks, I say now… I don’t have the idea of ​​rebuilding my life, the other party is free but none of us are in it”.
