Carlos Soler Bicentennial

Carlos Soler, the boy who appeared by Paterna with seven years accompanied by his grandfather, It’s getting older. So old that Monday will meet 200 official matches with the Valencia jersey. The ‘Chino’ could not choose another date to become a bicentennial. Will celebrate the anniversary against Levante, in a derby. And he will do it as an absolute international, consolidated in the first team of Valencia, as captain and as one of the pillars of the present and future of the ché project.

Just last week, It was five years since Soler’s debut with Valencia. It was in 2016, in Anoeta, against Real Sociedad. The controversial Prandelli gave him the alternative with 19 years … And until now. Little by little, the midfielder has been taking steps in his career, in the club of his life. It has even touched the roof of the National Team.

Photo by Carlos Soler

Valencia’s ’10’ reaches 200 in record time. In fact, he is one of the youngest Che players to be bicentennial. Its precocity is comparable to that of Gayà, Vicente Rodríguez, Fernando Gómez or Miguel Tendillo. The midfielder will reach the figure with 24 years, 11 months and 18 days (24.96 years) being the eighth youngest to achieve it. Tendillo (the one who achieved it the youngest) did it with 23.69 years and Gayà, current captain, reached them with 24.33 (the fifth youngest), according to the database of Cyber ​​night.

Soler will turn 25 on January 2 and will already have 200 war wounds, in addition to 28 goals and 28 assists with the first team. On the horizon it has its renewal. His great wish is to continue at Valencia for many more years and to break other records. While other golden moments arrive, Soler saves several dates to remember in his retina, from the debut in Anoeta with the first team to the hat-trick that scored against Madrid last season from the penalty spot. His time in the National Team or the Copa del Rey del Villamarín are part of his favorite photographs. With all that said, This is the reflection that Carlos has shared with AS in order to achieve 200 games with ‘his’ Valencia

Valencia Shield / Flag

“Completing 200 games with Valencia CF is a very great reason for happiness for me. At 24 years old it is a figure that makes me value everything I am experiencing. If for me playing in the first team was already a dream, imagine going fulfilling figures as important as this. I hope to celebrate my 200 games with a victory in the derby against Levante and maintain the good streak to continue climbing positions. It would be the best way to go on vacation. “

Carlos Soler poses for AS at TAVELLA restaurant

Respected by all his coaches

“He is a very interesting player for any team, since his debut he has broken all the stages”

Voro for AS on Carlos Soler

Soler, the shy boy who has made a place for himself in silence and with sacrifice, has never left anyone indifferent. VoroDespite his interim character, he is one of the coaches that has marked him the most. With the Valencian he always surrendered and came to the rescue, perhaps for that reason himself Voro recognizes AS que: “Since his debut he has taken a steady progression that is taking him to the maximum. 200 games is a very important figure for how young he is and I am sure he will get many more. He is a very interesting player for any team due to his qualities “

“You have to have a lot of level to get to play 200 games, he deserves all the good that happens to him”

Albert Celades in AS about Carlos Soler

After the debut with Prandelli and the first steps with Voro, it was time to establish himself in the starting position. That was achieved first with Marcelino and later with Celades. Precisely the Catalan coach recognizes AS that “You have to have a lot of level to get to play 200 games in a club as important as Valencia at the age that Carlos is. I’m very happy for him and he deserves all the good that happens to him

“He has the wood of a captain, I have a special affection for him, he is a great person”

Luis de la Fuente in AS about Carlos Soler

This growth in Valencia has led him not only to be a benchmark in the Valencian Community, but also also throughout Spain. First Luis de la Fuente and later Luis Enrique they have summoned him with the Selection. With Luis de la Fuente, Carlos hung a silver medal around his neck last August, a memory “He is a soccer player whom I have a special appreciation, He is very complete, versatile, with leadership skills, capable of assuming responsibility … He has the makings of a captain, he is going to grow a lot because he is also a wonderful person. I want to congratulate him on those 200 official games with Valencia and I’m sure there will be many more “.

“It has not been a surprise that he has come this far, I do not know what his ceiling is”

Rubén Mora in AS on Carlos Soler

All those achievements could have been achieved for us without the training he received at the Ciudad Deportiva de Paterna and neither if coaches like Rubén Mora, among others, would not have bet on him as they did. In conversation with AS, Mora acknowledges that: “It was not at all a surprise that I have come this far. He looked different to everyone, he had all the skills to reach the elite. He has broken barriers and now there are 200 games in the elite but many more will come to him. I don’t know what your ceiling is, the truth“.

“I hope he meets 200 more with Valencia because it will mean that he has renewed”

Rubén Baraja in AS about Carlos Soler

On that roof that Carlos has not yet reached, he also speaks Ruben Baraja, who dared to place him for the first time as a pure midfielder in the youth of Valencia. El Pipo has also attended AS to congratulate him, pointing out that “I hope he plays many more games at Valencia because that would mean it has renewed, which would be very important, but his level has risen so much that I honestly do not know what his ceiling is. “