The reappearance of Carlos Lozano on Telecinco, with an interview in Fridaybecame for a moment a criticism of the network at a particularly difficult time for Mediaset, since the group has been wanting to relaunch new programming for months after erasing part of its past related to the time of Paolo Vasile.
Carlos Lozano, who was once very successful, recalled that for a presenter the important thing is “have your feet on the ground“. “You can never believe that you are nobody. And there are many, in this chain and in others. Presenters who think they are shit and are nothing“, he snapped in front of Santi Acosta. “Won’t you say it for me?” the presenter responded.
The collaborators encouraged Carlos Lozano to “give names.” “I think that there are many people who should not be there. And people who are not there and should be there, but it is not their fault, it is the board’s fault, who are the ones who hire“criticized the former presenter of OT. In his last stage, he was related to Mediaset as a contestant on GH, Survivors the collaborator of Save me.

Television has changed a lot and so has Mediaset, which now has a new direction. “One thing is very clear here. Before, when you did television, if the show didn’t work, fuck the show. Not now. Now they keep you on a program with a very low audience and they throw, throw and throw. That bores the network, the public and everyone.o”, he blurted out on Telecinco, although he did not give any identity.
“The fault is not the presenters, it is the Content Directors“he continued, while the presenters of Friday They tried to change the subject in case something happened to them. “A Content Director has to be up to date, know what the scene is about and everything, because there are Content Directors who spend their entire lives until they retire. There are young people who have wonderful ideas and who make active television“, concluded Lozano in a program that has been in the doldrums for several weeks (9.7% this Friday against 14.1% of The challenge).