Carlos III finally crowned in the new coins of five pounds and five pence

Charles III He is already a king with a crown. Although there are still several days to go before his coronation ceremony, which will take place next Sunday, May 6, the King of England already appears with the Tudor crown on his head on the new five-pound and five-pence coins, minted to commemorate the ephemeris.

The king has received the first minted coin of five pounds sterling on the occasion of the coronation, which has been presented to him at Windsor Castle, his royal residence located in Berkshire. Two officials from the Royal English Mint traveled there, the executive director of the Royal Mint, Anne Jessoppand the director of organization, Rebecca Morgan.

The image engraved on the coins is made up of a portrait of the king, who appears in profile and crowned with the royal ornament. This is the first time that the image of Carlos appears with the symbolic jewel on his head. This is a new range of commemorative coins created to celebrate the upcoming coronation, forming a collection that includes a 50p coin and a £5 coin, and will go on sale later this month, ahead of the historic celebration of 6th of May.

Read alsoNew king, new banknotes: Carlos III in the pounds, a portrait without a crown

The effigy of Carlos, which was designed by the artist and sculptor Martin Jennings and is stamped on the coins that are clearly going to be collector’s items, depicting him with the iconic Tudor crown.

This is not the first coin bearing his image, which until now had been used without the actual head-covering jewel. The King of England was featured on the first collection of commemorative coins honoring the life and legacy of his mother, the Queen isabel IIalready at the end of last September and after the end of the period of mourning for the death of the monarch on the 8th of that month at her residence in Balmoral.

Those first coins with the face of the new monarch, he looked to the left to respect tradition, since the face of Elizabeth II had always appeared on English money looking to the right.

Also in December of last year, the Bank of England publicly presented the first pound notes with the face of Carlos III, which will not be in circulation until 2024, in which he also looks to the left to respect tradition.

Carlos III is the second monarch in history whose image illustrates paper money. The first time a banknote was minted with the image of the Head of State was in 1960, with Isabel II at its head. From 2024 both designs, both Carlos’s and his mother’s, will coexist on the street at the same time.