Carlos III appoints his siblings Ana and Eduardo as his substitutes in case of absence (and leaves Harry and Andrés out)

The pressure of the British Parliament hung over the new monarch. Charles III he had to choose who would be his substitutes in case he was absent. The monarch made a formal request to the House of Commons on Monday November 14 to increase the number of replacements, after Camilla y Guillermo. As candidates, he has chosen his brothers Well y Eduardo. Who is included in the performance of these functions and who is left out?

In the event that the monarch is indisposed or absent, the law provides that his substitute or substitute be his consort. This is Camilla Parker-Bowles. It also provides that the next substitutes for Carlos III will be the first four heirs over 21 years of age. In this arch, his children would enter Guillermo y Harry. After the princes, his brother would appear Andrés and one of his daughters, Beatriz.

Camilla and Guillermo appear as the first on the list. And here the stumbling block arose. Neither Harry nor Andrés would be welcome to assume this role because neither of them perform functions representing the royal house. Why did Harry decide to leave? The Firm with his wife, Meghan Markle; and Andrés because his connection to the case Epstein of child sex trafficking plunged him into the most absolute ostracism and was stripped of all kinds of military honors and titles.

With these two exceptions present, Carlos III has solved the stumbling block and has yielded to the pressures of Parliament. The possibility that Andrew or Harry could play that role on the Throne threatened to storm Buckingham. For this reason, he has tipped the balance towards his brothers Ana and Eduardo.