Carlos III and Camilla want to be as popular as Isabel II: the keys to their plan

Isabel II has made history and Charles III he wants to carry on his mother’s long legacy. Therefore the new king and his wife, Camilla Parker Bowlesthey have already drawn up a plan to start once they are crowned: the longest trip in the history of the British royal family.

Also read: Carlos III breaks tradition and will not make Buckingham Palace his main residence

As published The Mirrorthe father of princes Guillermo y Harry He will star in a world tour that will last around two years and that will take him to, among other places, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and several Caribbean countries.

The queen consort will accompany him on some occasions and, on others, she will stay in the United Kingdom with the company and help of the princes of Wales, William and Kate Middletonwho are taking more and more prominence.

The king’s intention is to “extend a hand of friendship and support” to the countries that are part of the British Crown. “He wants to continue with his popular mother’s mantra of being seen to grow up and is very interested in going out and meeting as many people as possible,” they explain from the aforementioned medium. In the 1970s, Elizabeth II traveled to 52 Commonwealth countries and 21 others to mark her Silver Jubilee. As Prince of Wales, Charles visited 45 of the 56 Commonwealth countries.

The King is aware of the delicate situation that the Crown’s relations with some Commonwealth countries are going through. It should be remembered that during last March, during Kate and Guillermo’s visit to Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas, faced huge protests against the royals and British colonialism. “The tours abroad are an opportunity to reflect and we learned a lot not only about the different problems that matter most to the people of the region, but also about how much the past weighs in the present,” defended the brother-in-law of Meghan Markle.