Carla Vigo lives by distributing publicity but now she premieres her short film with Kiko Hernández’s friend

Carla Vigo not having a good time. Not even on a personal level, because she just broke up with her boyfriend, Álvaro, with whom she had been with for a year and a half; nor on a professional level, because, as has been published, she has to be distributing publicity in order to survive.

But at 22 years old, luck can change Queen Letizia’s niece in just a few days. On November 17, the short will finally be released turn change, who has shot with the actress Josele Roman and that she stars. It will be in the room The reserve, in the heart of Madrid. As you have been able to find out Informalia, Carla “is nervous and excited because this role means a lot to her, and more than someone like Josele has trusted her. She believes that it can open new doors for her, as happened with her work with Rafael Amargo,” they tell us.

The short is directed by Fran Antón, the actor with whom Kiko Hernández has been linked. According to what they point out to us, Antón, who is well known in this world, has had some “difficulty” with Carla on this shoot, although he gets along with her. Perhaps he can help her give a further push in her quest to be an actress.

All those who participate in this short dream of the possibility that on the opening day or any other, Queen Letizia will be interested in the acting ability of the daughter of her missing sister Erika and appear to see the short. Now that would be a real promotion.

However, Carla does not enjoy his total approval, as they explain to us. On more than one occasion she has received a good reprimand from her aunt because of the bohemian life she leads and her company. Letizia does not like that she exposes herself so much at parties with tv friends as Romeira love and that everything was uploaded to social networks. She prefers a more discreet life for her and, if possible, away from the spotlight. But Carla is not for the work.

She wants to succeed in her profession, regardless, or not, of her relationship with the royal family. It is true that she has never wanted to speak publicly about her aunt or her cousins, but she has granted various exclusives to gossip magazines to get money because her economy is not very healthy. In fact, until just a week ago she lived on the outskirts of Madrid at the parents’ house of her ex-boyfriend, Álvaro. She from there she left without saying goodbye to her. She wants to start a new life. We’ll see what she does.