Caravaca de la Cruz hosts the Spanish Paralympic Road Cycling Championship this Sunday


The Spanish Paralympic Road Cycling Championship will be held this Sunday in Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) with the presence of the best national cyclists such as Ricardo Ten, Gonzalo García Abella, Damián Ramos, Luis Miguel García-Marquina or, among others, Manuela Vos.

From this Friday to Sunday the Spanish Championship will take place in the Murcia municipality, although the long-distance road test is held on the last day. The Team Relay for handbikes will open the program at 6:30 p.m. on Friday on a 1.8 kilometer circuit.

On Saturday, starting at 10:00, the time trials will take place, which will take place on a 12-kilometer route for the MH1, WH1, WH2 classes, and 21 kilometers for the rest, with the ascent to Alto del Caracolillo as the main difficulty. , a two-kilometer climb at a 5 percent average gradient.

On Sunday the online tests are held. Starting at 9:00, classes MH1, WH1, WH2 and WH3. They will all face the same 16 kilometer route in a circuit and in which the Alto del Caracolillo will be ascended.

This Tuesday the presentation of the championships was held in an event in the Plaza del Templete in Caravaca de la Cruz. It was attended by the president of the Murcia Cycling Federation, Miguel Fernández; the technical director of the Federation, Juan Miguel Pérez; the general director of Sports of the Region of Murcia, José Francisco García; the mayor of the municipality, José Francisco García; the general director of sports of the Murcian government, Pablo Rosique; the sports councilor of Caravaca de la Cruz, Pepe Tudela; the eldest brother of the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz, Juan Melgarejo; and the Manager of the Camino de la Cruz Foundation, Lourdes Aznar.

In addition, the athletes Francisco García Rus, the local cyclist and tandem pilot, Juan Emilio Gutiérrez, and Alfonso David López were present. Along with them, the great figures of the championship will be the legendary Ricardo Ten, multiple world champion and Paralympic medalist, Gonzalo García Abella (MT1), Damián Ramos (MC4), Luis Miguel García-Marquina (MH3) or Imanol Arriortua, sixth in the time trial of the last World Cup. Furthermore, the presence of Manuela Vos stands out in the women’s category, who was on the podium in both the time trial and the road race in the last two events of the World Cup.