Can realists who have passed the quarantine play if they test positive?

Imanol Sheriff will recover in Friday training almost all the players who tested positive for covid during the Christmas holidays, since they will have already passed the mandatory quarantine. During this week, at the moment, there have been no new infections, so the coach will be able to have a large part of his squad to face Sunday’s duel against Alavés. Within the seriousness and concern for the 10 infected in the workforce, plus the seven from Sanse, the txuri urdin entity had some luck because the bulk of the positives were registered during the week off at Christmas.

As long as they are fit and have no symptoms, Imanol It will be able to align all the soccer players infected with coronavirus, as long as they have passed the quarantine, for the moment of 10 days because it is not clear if the new reduction to seven can be applied to the realistic positives. All players must pass an antigen test on match day, in this case on Sunday, but those who have already passed the isolation period do not have to test negative in order to play. They can do it if they keep testing positive. Those who test positive for the first time are not allowed to play, for example, footballers who have been able to exercise without problems this week.