- Real Madrid wins in a tight win after three losses at home

Real Madrid put an end to their bad streak at home after defeating Kirolbet Baskonia (70-69) in a very close game that was decided in the last seconds thanks to the contribution of Facundo Campazzo and Trey Thompkins, who led the demanding victory on day 23 of the Euroleague.
The team of Pablo Laso did not want more concessions before his audience after the 31 consecutive victories until his first setback a couple of weeks ago and he put on the overalls to end a Baskonia that sold the defeat very expensive. The Vitorians sent in many phases of the meeting and only an incomprehensible action of Stauskas allowed to break the balance in the electronic two seconds from the end.
The meringues made Efes and Joventut forget a lot of work although they were far from the brightness and the fuss. Campazzo – with 10 points and 11 assists – was the leader of a triumph he had in Thompkins for his best ally. The American, very inspired, left until 20 units, in addition to participating with six rebounds.
On the other hand, the whole of Dusko Ivanovic followed the pattern that led him to win in the capital on January 19. Indoor balls, strength in the rebound and a success of almost 40% in three shots. The formula paid off at startup (14-19, min.11) and also a few seconds after the break (30-36).
However, there was born the response of Real Madrid – who abandoned his efforts from the perimeter – to get a better circulation of ball and baskets in the paint. Gabriel Deck perfectly understood what Laso asked for and the capitalist team managed its first advantages three minutes after the resumption (43-42). All of them did not exceed five margin points, something that became clear shortly after.
Baskonia went further and Shields (14 points) and Shengelia (12) did not give up despite the onslaught of a Palace not as full as usual. Janning also exceeded ten points (11) and the score began to move like an accordion that did not quite stretch until that final minute where everything could have happened.
Dragic missed a free kick that left Madrid ahead (66-65) and there came two unsuccessful actions for the home, but the rebound – for Ivanovic's despair – was white. Campazzo put land in between and Shengelia replied in just two seconds to bring her life to life. Thompkins scored and then Shields (69-69), but Stauskas spoiled the entire plan with an unexplained foul within two seconds.
Campazzo scored the first free throw and missed the second so Baskonia didn't have time to put together a play. Real Madrid took a hard-earned victory and regains the good path in a match that allows it to maintain second place in the regular Euroleague league and complicates the existence of the Basque team.
REAL MADRID: Campazzo (10), Causeur (5), Taylor (7), Randolph (6) and Tavares (8) – initial quintet–; Llull (-), Mickey (4), Rudy Fernández (-), Deck (10), Thompkins (20).
KIROLBET BASKONIA: Christon (6), Janning (11), Shields (14), Shengelia (12) and Eric (8) – initial quintet–; Stauskas (-), García (5), Fall (2), Diop (-), Polonara (2) and Dragic (9).
–PARTIALS: 14-19, 23-19, 16-11, 17-20.
– ARBITRATORS: Pukl, Mogulkoc and Mantyla.
–PAVILION: WiZink Center 8,465 spectators