Camilo Blanes’ mother, Lourdes Ornelas, has just been admitted to the hospital after a spectacular fall

Lourdes OrnelasWorried about her son, she has had another scare, this time related to her own health. Mother of Camilin He has recently suffered a fall for which he has ended up in the hospital.

“He is recovering from the bruises”, they have advanced this Saturday on Telecinco. The fall would have occurred this Friday, July 28: “Yesterday she suffered a very spectacular fall on the street and they had to admit her. Thank God it was nothing and she is at her house recovering,” explained Aurelio Manzano.

The news comes days after her son, who now calls herself Sheila Devil, was robbed at her home in Torrelodones. The architects would have been her own friends. “I’ve already kicked them out,” he said on his Instagram account.

Camilín is not going through his best moment of health due to his addictions. His mother acknowledged that he fears for his life and that he is “in self-destruct mode.” “I don’t have anyone I trust to help me with him. There are only those who come out of interest. But I have seen lawyers, psychiatrists and others but there is no way to stop him because he is an adult. I have even seen the option of disqualify him but he is an adult and the law does not allow it,” Ornelas herself told Emma García in April of this year.

In the midst of all these problems, Lourdes has suffered the fall for which she had to be admitted to the hospital. Finally, everything was scared and after undergoing the relevant tests, she was discharged to continue recovering at home. She didn’t break a rib as the doctors first thought.