Calvary, death and resurrection

Five consecutive defeats and an insipid final draw, against Celta, were the balance of the July games, the last of LaLiga 2019-20, with Francisco Joaquín Pérez Rufete on the bench and signing the death sentence of the worst Espanyol in history, with 25 points after 38 days. He mathematical descent It occurred on July 8, in the worst scenario and against the worst possible rival: in the Camp Nou derby against Barcelona (1-0). The parakeet club began by declining the previous photo by coaches and ended up apologizing after the defeat in the mouth of its captain, Javi López.

He also asked for forgiveness the next day Chen yansheng, the president, from China: “The greatest responsibility for the sporting result is mine”. And, to solve it, he left everything as it was, with Rufete in the sports direction and José María Durán, in fact, promoted to CEO, on the 21st, a few hours after Carlos García Pont resigned as vice president, and the same day in which the renovations of Diego López, Dídac Vilà and Javi López.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

Without leaving the car week, On the 24th, the communication director, Agustín Rodríguez, and the security director, Antoni Guerra, were dismissed. Days later, in another inexplicable decision, the fired would be Jordi Pérez de Jesús, a historic first team utillero. On August 3, the surrealism culminated when the club asked that the relegations in First and Second be canceled for not having been able to compete on equal terms.

Fortunately for the drift of Espanyol, on the 4th Vicente Moreno signed as coach. As if good sense had suddenly landed, on the 6th it was decreed that subscribers renew free for the 2020-21 season.

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Javi López, in tears, in his heartfelt farewell.

What actually started was a tornado of news. He renewed until 2024 Wu Lei, Víctor Sánchez left with some harshness in his goodbye, Javi López said goodbye through tears, Andrés Prieto was also dismissed. And they arrived, in this order, Fran Mérida and Miguel Llambrich, ‘Miguelón’.

Meanwhile, the preseason began with two positives in COVID-19 practically in a row, in the premiere Moreno's team tied in Sant Adrià against Huesca (1-1) and went to Marbella to undertake an unusual preseason Second way. With illusions renewed by force.