Calderón, Ares, Aguilar, Sainz, Imbroda and the silver from Los Angeles ’84 enter the FEB Hall of Fame


Former players José Manuel Calderón, Clifford Luyk, Blanca Ares and Elisa Aguilar, former coaches Lolo Sainz and Javier Imbroda, posthumously, and the Spanish team that won silver at the Los Angeles ’84 Olympic Games have been chosen, among others, to enter the second promotion of the Hall of Fame of the FEB.

The members of the Election Committee of the Spanish Basketball Hall of Fame, promoted by the FEB and the newspaper As, have elected this Thursday in Madrid the 19 members of the second promotion, made up of 7

male and female players, 3 coaches, 1 referee, 1 team, 3 managers, 2 journalists, 1 doctor and 1 institution.

These are added to the members of the first promotion, whose entry ceremony was held last October in Seville. The chosen ones of this promotion are the players Clifford Luyk, Nino Buscató, José Manuel Calderón, Blanca Ares, Elisa Aguilar, the Brazilian Oscar Schmidt and the Latvian Uliana Semenova.

The admission of coaches Lolo Sainz, Aíto García Reneses and Javier Imbroda, recently deceased, of referee Francisco Monjas, as well as Jorge Guillén, Pedro Barthe, Ernesto Segura de Luna, Raimundo Saporta, Pilar Godia, Héctor Quiroga and the Junta de Andalucía, in addition to the absolute men’s team that was Olympic runner-up in 1984.

With the Hall of Fame, the FEB intends to pay tribute and recognition, individually or collectively, to the most outstanding protagonists in the history of Spanish basketball. Of those chosen, not only their contribution to the sporting and organizational development of Spanish basketball is taken into account, but also their work in the dissemination and transmission of the values ​​that basketball embodies.

The president of the FEB, Jorge Garbajosa, highlighted the “extraordinary” level of the candidates. “I hope that the next Entrance Ceremony will be a night as magical or more like the one we experienced last year. In the six years that I have been in this position, I have lived through difficult moments and others that are absolutely wonderful, but I find it hard to remember a night with the atmosphere of respect, emotion, homage to so many people and organizations,” recalled Garbajosa.