CADE will propose to the CSD to train women in leadership in coordination with the CEOE


The Spanish Sports Advisory Council (CADE) is going to propose to the Higher Sports Council (CSD) leadership training for women in coordination with the CEOE, as agreed this Monday at the meeting held by its members at the employer’s headquarters of businessmen in Madrid.

CADE has formulated ten challenges to be debated and has proposed the conclusions to be taken into account by the Spanish sports ecosystem, which will be taken into a subsequent action plan, in a session with the telematic presence of former basketball player Pau Gasol, the former national coach of football Vicente del Bosque and the president of CADE, Jorge Garbajosa, among others.

The president of the Business Confederation also participated as host, Antonio Garamendi, and the General Director of Sports of the CSD, Albert Soler, in this new meeting to analyze the reality of women’s sports in Spain.

“The increase in the participation of women in our sport goes through active policies of all the actors in the sports ecosystem, including companies, and also by the commitment of society with equality, something that concerns us all”, said Antonio Garamendi, president of the CEOE.

For his part, the president of CADE, Jorge Garbajosa, has indicated that the moment for the incorporation of women “is now.” “We cannot tiptoe, and those of us who make up the sports industry are convinced that we must push decisively now,” said Garbajosa.

At the meeting it was announced that the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP) has prepared a study on the leadership of women in sports, which will be presented shortly.

Among the challenges facing women’s sport in Spain are reducing the dropout rate from practicing sports and from a professional sports career; increase participation and attract talent to the Sports professions; give visibility, improve communication and the way in which women athletes are known, and increase their presence in management and decision-making, as well as improve conditions and salaries.

For CADE, Sport must be “redefined” as a tool to change society, and promote the incorporation of women; and to achieve this goal, educational models and centers are “essential instruments” for this reformulation.

Likewise, it is necessary to be creative and rethink women’s sports as something independent of male sports models, generate safe environments for women, make accessibility even cheaper, create close prescribers and, among others, use new digital communication channels.