In a football without an audience, where the voices of the footballers can be heard from the press box, Lele Cabrera's is one of the most insistent. The Uruguayan central defender responds to the stereotype of his country's defenders, with great leadership (with only a year and a half in the club he is already one of the captains) and a mastery of defensive concepts that have made him one of the best championship defenders. For that very reason, Cabrera recognizes in an interview with Ovación Digital, a media outlet from his country, that he has reached an ideal club to continue pursuing a career.
“It was the best decision I made. Espanyol is a very big club, which covers a lot of things, in infrastructure, in society, it gets involved in a lot of things. The decision at the time was difficult, because the truth is that he was very comfortable in Getafe, he played everything and the team was doing spectacularly. But I felt that with my age I couldn't miss this opportunity either“, valued the defender, who next year will continue in the Espanyol squad and for which the club paid nine million in its day.
“In the end we ended up descending, which was what we did not want, but it was a step backwards to give others more forwards, because despite having descended the club maintained all the infrastructure as if we were in First, in terms of travel, meals , training… It helped us all to realize what had happened before and now we are with the maximum illusion of what can come, very happy to be part of the team, to have been chosen one of the captains. I feel very important and I have a great desire for next season to arrive, “he reflected.
Cabrera, who recalled that he has a “responsibility” since the club invested a lot of money in him, spoke of other aspects, how well adapted he and his wife are to the city or the great human group that has been formed in the dressing room . For this reason, the center-back wants to stay longer in Barcelona: “I'm super happy, my partner too and I only have words of thanks to Espanyol and I hope I can stay here a long time”. The player ends contract in 2024.

The 30-year-old also spoke about his fleeting participation in Uruguay. The selection has not returned to knock on his door. “There are things that do not depend on you, and the things that depend on it is where I commit to give 100% of myself. I think I have had some very good seasons. The three seasons I was in Getafe in the First Division, the three years we were the least beaten defense, that speaks a little about the general work of the team and the individual. And I can go that far, I don't know if I'm better or worse than anyone else, I don't believe it or anything. What I can say is that I think I was at a good level and that's where I'm going, “he concluded.